Social mobility, race equality & inclusion

We recognise that the Bar, and the Commercial Bar in particular, has traditionally been an environment in which there has been limited diversity. 7 King’s Bench Walk is committed to promoting social mobility at the Commercial Bar and to ensuring that it is an inclusive community that welcomes and supports all practitioners regardless of background.

A vital element of the advancement of social mobility is encouraging the widest possible range of candidates to consider and then to apply to the Commercial Bar. To this end, 7 King’s Bench Walk and its members participate in a number of schemes, such as the Pegasus Access and Support Scheme (PASS) and Bridging the Bar that assist in providing opportunities to learn about the Commercial Bar to individuals from under-represented groups. 7 King’s Bench Walk is also an enthusiastic participant in the Combar Student Mentoring Scheme, with many members of Chambers acting as mentors each year. This is in addition to the participation of individual members in other mentoring and outreach schemes, including programmes operated by the Bar Council and IntoUniversity.

Chambers also recognises the importance of striving to ensure that the Commercial Bar reflects the ethnic diversity of the UK population and acknowledges that there remains significant work to be done in this area. We welcome the Black Inclusion Group Report, produced under a joint mandate from Combar, the Chancery Bar Association and the Technology and Construction Bar Association, which provides important evidence and recommendations in this regard. 7 King’s Bench Walk is also a participant in the 10,000 Black Interns Project, providing opportunities for black students to experience the life and work of Chambers.

7 King’s Bench Walk is committed to being an anti-racist organisation, with all members of chambers and staff having undertaken recent anti-racist training. Wider social developments have impressed upon us the need to examine more closely what we can do, both as individuals and as an organisation, to tackle racial injustice and eliminate racism in its many forms. We are continually considering what further steps we can take to produce meaningful and lasting change. Please see our Anti-Racism Statement.

93% club logoChambers is also keen to improve the opportunities for success and achievement at the Commercial Bar for individuals educated in the state sector and from disadvantaged backgrounds. A number of the schemes mentioned above support candidates from under-represented educational backgrounds in finding out about and applying to the Commercial Bar. In addition, 7 King’s Bench Walk is a supporter of The 93% Club, the UK’s largest network of state-educated university students. Once in practice, commercial barristers thrive on their own merit, in what we are committed to ensuring is a fully meritocratic profession.

BDABar High Quality Logo

We are working with the Bringing [Dis]Ability to the Bar organisation to assist in breaking down barriers at the Bar for disabled aspiring and practising barristers. We will make reasonable adjustments where this will assist people with disabilities to experience the work of Chambers or to use Chambers’ services. Professional clients should identify to Chambers in advance any disabilities of particular clients or team members which may require adjustments and/or adjustments that may be necessary to accommodate the needs of particular clients. Any such requests should be made to a senior clerk.

